What is not allowed in the diet in case of pancreatitis of the pancreas

Pancreatitis is a fairly common disease that can be successfully treated, the main thing is to arm yourself with the necessary knowledge about what is useful and what leads to a worsening of the condition. A specially selected diet in the case of pancreatitis of the pancreas provides significant help in the treatment.

What can not and what, on the contrary, is very useful to consume, in what quantities and under what conditions, as well as other important information can be obtained from this article.

What is pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is a painful condition of the pancreas in which its functions are disturbed.. The juice secreted by this organ begins to have a destructive effect on the gland itself, digesting its tissues. A rather unpleasant and unsafe situation. It can occur in a severe acute or milder chronic form and can have different consequences depending on the severity.

Abdominal pain is one of the first possible signs of pancreatitis.

The occurrence of pancreatic problems in most cases is associated with excessive alcohol consumption, overeating, addiction to fatty, salty, smoked food and unwillingness to follow a reasonable diet. At the same time, a person may not realize that he has pancreatitis for a long time, and he can no longer lead his previous lifestyle, but must take care of his health.

What factors influence the development of the disease:

  • viruses and bacteria;
  • fungal infection;
  • pancreatic injuries;
  • helminth infection;
  • infectious diseases;
  • surgical intervention;
  • disease of the gallbladder or its ducts;
  • use of certain drugs (diuretics, estrogens, etc. ).

The disease attacks with severe pain in the abdomen, abdominal region and from the right side to the spine. Such crises can last for several hours, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, severe pain and general malaise. This condition requires urgent medical intervention to prevent complications.

What foods are possible and what are not for the treatment of pancreatitis?

The pancreas is designed to produce the so-called pancreatic juice, which consists of hormones and enzymes necessary to break down proteins, fats, carbohydrates - everything that a person eats every day. If the synthesis of these substances is disturbed, if there is inflammation and swelling of the channel, then fluid stagnation inevitably occurs, which causes malfunctions of this organ.

If you have pancreatitis, you should avoid junk food to avoid making the disease worse.

What diet is indicated for pancreatitis of the pancreas, what foods are allowed and what are not allowed, it is necessary to know this in order to maintain health. The dishes are chosen so as not to overload the inflamed gland.They should be nutritious, rich in protein, but easily digestible.

Allowed products

The following products may be allowed:

  • Loaves or buns made from the highest quality wheat flour (fresh bread is not recommended, yesterday's bread is better), crackers, unsalted crackers.
  • First dishes with vegetables, such as zucchini, pumpkin, potatoes. Vegetables can be additionally grated, cereals can be boiled until pureed.
  • At the end. All dietary varieties are suitable: rabbit, chicken or turkey meat. Before cooking, remove the skin from the meat, cut off all skins and tendons and boil well. The meat is then chopped into small pieces or into pate.
  • Fish. The best are lean varieties, such as haddock, cod, whiting. You can cook fish soup or meatballs, pates, aspic.
  • Boil porridge from the most common cereals until viscous. Make porridge or casseroles with skimmed milk or just water.
  • Milk, fermented baked milk, Varenets, cottage cheese and other similar products with low or zero fat content.
  • Omelet fried in a pan without using oil from fresh chicken or quail eggs - no more than 2 times a week.
  • Omelet is a dietary egg dish allowed for patients with pancreatitis
  • Vegetables – fried without oil, boiled, fried or steamed.
  • Fruit - any fruit that does not irritate the stomach in its natural form or fried.
  • Oil without heat treatment can be added to already prepared dishes in small quantities (either butter or any vegetable oil can be used).
  • Liquids - mineral water without gas, weakly brewed tea, compotes, natural juices diluted by half with water, herbal infusions with anti-inflammatory properties.

Prohibited products

In order not to cause a rapid aggravation of the condition, you should consider what the diet should be for pancreatitis of the pancreas.

What you should not eat and what foods you should avoid are listed below:

  • Sausages, fried meat and dishes made from them, strong meat, mushroom and fish broths should be avoided.
  • Avoid cakes, pastries, waffles and pastries during an exacerbation.
  • Do not eat fatty, salted or smoked fish and canned fish.
  • Cheese and sour cream should also be avoided.
  • The use of pearl barley, barley and other coarse and hard-to-digest cereals is not recommended.
  • Any food fried or stewed in oil is prohibited.
  • Vegetables such as daikon, turnips, radishes, radishes, cabbage, peppers, onions and garlic contribute to the exacerbation of the disease.
  • It is forbidden to eat vegetables with pancreatitis of the pancreas
  • During illness, you should forget about ice cream, dark chocolate, preserves or jams, figs, dried apricots, dates, prunes and other similar products.
  • It is unacceptable to eat foods with hot spices, artificial colors or monosodium glutamate.

The temperature of the prepared foods is important - they should not be hot or too cold.

The use of herbs, herbs and spices

Any spices improve the taste of food and make it more aromatic, however, when we talk about pancreatitis, spices can negatively affect the patient's condition. You will need to stop using mustard, vinegar, horseradish, garlic and onions.Any spicy spices can cause a severe aggravation. Even salt should be limited, using it in a minimum amount, and it is better to take sea salt and add it to ready-made food - this way it will preserve the useful minerals.

Doctors allow prepared dishes to be flavored with cumin, basil, parsley, and dill seeds.. You can also use saffron and oregano. Vanillin can be added to desserts. Turmeric occupies a special place in the list of spices. This spice has antioxidant properties, contains very beneficial essential oils, improves digestion, has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects.

Useful spices for inflammation of the pancreas - turmeric and cinnamon

Another beneficial substance is cinnamon.Helps normalize blood sugar levels and restore disturbed digestion. Even the smallest amount of cinnamon added to food can improve glucose absorption by 20 times, which is truly invaluable for people with impaired carbohydrate tolerance.

Turmeric and cinnamon are beneficial for pancreatitis and help support the body.

The use of cinnamon will have a positive effect on the well-being of any person suffering from inflammation of the pancreas.

Diet duration in pancreatitis

Let's take a closer look at the duration of the diet and what is not allowed in case of pancreatitis of the pancreas.

During an acute attack, it is recommended to refrain from eating for 1 to 3 days. Drink pure water or mineral water without carbonation in small portions. To reduce the symptoms of the disease, cold is applied to the inflamed area. You can use a heating pad filled with ice water or ice.

In the acute stage, the patient should be kept in bed and have complete rest, any noise, stress or nervous tension negatively affects the patient's condition.

During exacerbation of pancreatitis, you need to ensure bed rest and good sleep.

The recommended diet for pancreatitis of the pancreas should be followed daily without exacerbations, taking into account what can and cannot be eaten. This diet course is usually recommended for 3 weeks to a month.

During this period, you can eat the following foods:

  • soups with vegetable broth;
  • viscous, lightly sweetened porridge cooked to a puree;
  • steamed vegetables, egg white omelette;
  • not too strong tea, wild rose and dried fruit compote;
  • freshly squeezed juices diluted by half with water.

In addition, in the course of a chronic disease, it is recommended to constantly use a soft diet. This is necessary to prevent acute conditions that threaten serious consequences. Careful attention to this problem will avoid damage to organs such as the liver, stomach, intestines, whose activity is related to the pancreas.

Consequences of improper nutrition

It is important to remember that you should not violate the diet for pancreatitis of the pancreas. The consequences can be very dangerous.

There is a risk of very adverse consequences:

  • stagnation of bile provokes jaundice;
  • possible perforations and bleeding;
  • there is a high probability of stomach ulcers;
  • esophageal diseases often occur;
  • risk of developing liver hypertension;
  • portal or splenic vein thrombosis;
  • high probability of developing pleurisy;
  • duodenal disease;
  • pancreatic tumors;
  • risk of developing diabetes.
A gastroenterologist will explain in detail to a patient with pancreatitis how to eat so as not to harm the body

Approximate dietary menu for pancreatitis of the pancreas: recipes

Creamy soup


  • Processed cheese for soup - 1 pc.
  • Broccoli heads - 200 g
  • chicken breast - 150 g
  • Carrots - 100 g
  • Crackers - 1 tbsp. k. l.
  • Salt to taste

Put the chicken in a pot with water, add salt to taste and cook until it is completely cooked. Add carrots and broccoli and simmer for about 20 minutes. At the end, melt or other mild cheese is added to the dish, brought to a boil and the soup is allowed to boil. Blend the soup in a blender and sprinkle with croutons before serving.

Fish salad


  • 1 tbsp. k. l. green peas
  • 1 tbsp. k. l. boiled carrots
  • 1 tbsp. k. l. low-fat cottage cheese
  • sea fish fillet - 60 g
  • boiled potatoes - 30 g
  • boiled beets - 30 g

Cut the fish fillet and vegetables into small cubes, lightly add salt, cover with cream, decorate with greens if desired - diet salad is ready.

Diet cottage cheese and vermicelli casserole


  • vermicelli - 1 cup
  • milk - half a cup
  • cottage cheese - half a cup
  • fresh egg - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • salt - 0. 5 tsp.
Vermicelli casserole with cottage cheese in the pancreatitis diet menu

Boil vermicelli, cool a little, add cottage cheese, egg beaten with milk, sugar and salt, mix and put in a mold. Bake in the oven until golden brown.

Cereal and pumpkin porridge


  • Boiled pumpkin - 300 g
  • Boiled rice - 300 g
  • Milk - 200 g
  • Sugar - 5 tsp.
  • Salt - 1 tsp.

Grind all the hot ingredients into a puree and beat a little - the porridge is ready.

Fruit cake


  • bananas - 2 pcs.
  • peaches - 2 pcs.
  • apple - 2 pcs.
  • berries - a handful
  • yogurt - 200 g
  • cookie
  • gelatin

Gelatin is diluted in water according to the recipe on the package. Gradually add yogurt to the resulting jelly and mix until smooth. Cookies are placed at the bottom of the mold - this is the first layer, then the jelly layer, the third layer is fruit puree. Then add the jelly and fruit again. On top is another layer of cookies. Decorate the cake with fruit circles and any berries on top. Put the cake in the refrigerator, when it is frozen, you can eat it.

Nutritional properties

The main thing is to follow the prescribed diet. Products and foods with this diagnosis are selected very carefully.Products should be well boiled or steamed. Roughage should be ground or ground. Avoid hot or very cold soups, cereals and drinks that irritate the stomach. To prevent overfilling of the stomach, it is recommended to use divided meals.

Steamed products are the best solution for gastrointestinal diseases

It is important not to overload the digestive tract, observing the rate of consumption: fats - no more than 70-80 g, carbohydrates - 350 g, proteins - 60-100 g. Take food in small portions, slowly, slowly, chewing each piece.

You should not drink while eating.

Because the liquid dilutes the gastric juice, interfering with digestion.

You should completely avoid over-salted, fried and smoked foods, as well as exclude carbonated drinks. Alcohol consumption is not allowed. Canned foods are not good for this disease.Cakes, muffins, sweets, hot or spicy food are strictly unacceptable in case of pancreatitis.

Meat broths are allowed in stable remission, only chicken or turkey, and the first broth must be drained. Before eating, grind the meat in a blender to a paste.

Pancreatitis symptoms

Pancreatitis is a serious and sometimes life-threatening condition, so it's important to know its symptoms so you can get the right treatment right away.The earliest indicator of the disease is pain in the abdominal area, on the right side under the ribs, or lower back pain.

Nausea is a common symptom of pancreatitis.

It can be painful, stabbing, throbbing or otherwise. Most often, pain occurs from too fatty, fried, oversalted, spicy or smoked food. The pain can be so severe that it cannot be relieved even with medication.

Another manifestation can be heartburn, belching, a rapid increase in temperature, intestinal dysfunction - diarrhea or constipation, while stools often have an unnatural greasy appearance.Severe vomiting or nausea may occur. From the cardiovascular system – heart rhythm disorders, feeling of lack of air.

What signs indicate pancreatitis:

  • stool disorders;
  • the urge to vomit;
  • high fever;
  • stomach ache;
  • lower back pain;
  • stomach ache;
  • swelling in the abdominal area;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • heat;
  • weakness, impotence.
If you follow the diet and doctor's prescriptions, pancreatitis will be reduced to zero

Surgical or conservative treatment of pancreatitis is possible. Adherence to dietary rules plays an important role in treatment. A diet for pancreatitis of the pancreas, which is not allowed during the course of the disease or during its exacerbation, and which, on the contrary, is recommended, will help to create a proper diet, improve health and improve the quality of life.